Steam DB Steam DB TEKKEN 7

App ID
App Type
BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment
Supported Systems
First Record Import
April 04, 2019 - 16:20:26 UTC (2086 days ago)
Last Record Update
September 11, 2024 - 03:52:30 UTC (99 days ago)
Release Date
1. Juni 2017


Yeah! I Did It!
Yeah! I Did It!
Not Bad
Not Bad
Okay! I'm Ready!
Okay! I'm Ready!
Come And Get Some, I Dare You!
Come And Get Some, I Dare You!
Instant Annihilation
Instant Annihilation
Wow, I'm Pretty Strong!
Wow, I'm Pretty Strong!
Let's Do This
Let's Do This
You Think You're Tougher Than Me?
You Think You're Tougher Than Me?
You Challenge Me?!
You Challenge Me?!
I Can't Accept This Fate
I Can't Accept This Fate
It's Time For You To Meet Your End!
It's Time For You To Meet Your End!
I Demand To Know The Truth!
I Demand To Know The Truth!
Lightning Of Fate
Lightning Of Fate
No Pain, No Gain
No Pain, No Gain
I've Finally Found You!
I've Finally Found You!
The Prosperous Inevitably Decline
The Prosperous Inevitably Decline
Fear My Wrath
Fear My Wrath
Don't Take It Personally
Don't Take It Personally
You Fought Well
You Fought Well
There's Nowhere To Run. Give Up!
There's Nowhere To Run. Give Up!
I'll Kick Your Butt To Hell And Back
I'll Kick Your Butt To Hell And Back
Just Relax, You Can Do It
Just Relax, You Can Do It
Elegance At Its Purest
Elegance At Its Purest
Power Is Everything!
Power Is Everything!
We Settle This Now!
We Settle This Now!
Stun Gun!
Stun Gun!
This Should Be Fun
This Should Be Fun
Your Technique Is Impressive
Your Technique Is Impressive
Roar! (Nice Moves!)
Roar! (Nice Moves!)
Hot-Blooded Fighter
Hot-Blooded Fighter
Anger Of The Beast
Anger Of The Beast
Sturdy And Indestructible
Sturdy And Indestructible
Don't Hold Anything Back
Don't Hold Anything Back
Destructive Drive
Destructive Drive
Crushing Impact!
Crushing Impact!
Going Somewhere?
Going Somewhere?
Please Don't Tell My Father
Please Don't Tell My Father
It's Just Business
It's Just Business
Master Of Iron Fist
Master Of Iron Fist
Rating auf Steam Keine Nutzerrezensionen
100% 0 0
UserScore noch im Tracking...

Werde Zeuge des epischen Abschlusses der Geschichte um den Mishima-Klan und enth?lle die Hintergr?nde zu jeder einzelnen Phase des endlosen Familienkriegs. Aufgebaut auf der Unreal Engine 4, besticht TEKKEN 7 mit Story-basierten K?mpfen, intensiven Duellen gegen Freunde und Rivalen sowie innovativen Kampfmechaniken.

Liebe, Rache, Stolz. Jeder k?mpft aus einem bestimmten Grund. Werte definieren uns und machen uns - unabh?ngig von unseren St?rken und Schw?chen - zu Menschen. Es gibt keine falschen Motive und Ziele, sondern lediglich einen Pfad, den wir im Leben w?hlen.

Erweitere die Reise deines K?mpfers und erhalte Zugang zu atemberaubenden Zusatzinhalten, indem du den Tekken 7 Season Pass separat kaufst.