Steam DB Steam DB Day of the Tentacle Remastered

App ID
App Type
Day of the Tentacle Remastered
Double Fine Productions
Double Fine Productions
Supported Systems
PC Linux Mac
First Record Import
October 17, 2018 - 19:57:50 UTC (2258 days ago)
Last Record Update
November 02, 2024 - 15:24:46 UTC (50 days ago)
Release Date
21. März 2016


Number One
Number One
Number Two
Number Two
Yesterday's News
Yesterday's News
Mental Patience
Mental Patience
...Take on the Words!
...Take on the Words!
Rap Sheet: Trespasser
Rap Sheet: Trespasser
Rap Sheet: Yegg
Rap Sheet: Yegg
Rap Sheet: Cheat
Rap Sheet: Cheat
Rap Sheet: Vandal
Rap Sheet: Vandal
Rap Sheet: Fraud
Rap Sheet: Fraud
Rap Sheet: Forger
Rap Sheet: Forger
Rap Sheet: Thief
Rap Sheet: Thief
Rap Sheet: Kleptomaniac
Rap Sheet: Kleptomaniac
Rap Sheet: Adventure Gamer
Rap Sheet: Adventure Gamer
Master Plumber
Master Plumber
Moronic drone
Moronic drone
Only Hoagie Can Make a Tree
Only Hoagie Can Make a Tree
Only George Can Destroy a Tree
Only George Can Destroy a Tree
Windsock it to Me
Windsock it to Me
You Call That a Hint?
You Call That a Hint?
Obvious, Really...
Obvious, Really...
Not Raised in a Barn
Not Raised in a Barn
Novelty Enthusiast
Novelty Enthusiast
Costume Quest
Costume Quest
Chateau Eau Neaux
Chateau Eau Neaux
It's an Honor Just to Compete
It's an Honor Just to Compete
Can't Win and Chew Gum at the Same Time
Can't Win and Chew Gum at the Same Time
It's an Honor Just to Compete But Winning Is Better
It's an Honor Just to Compete But Winning Is Better
Alas, Our Lazy Speechwriters Didn't Cover This
Alas, Our Lazy Speechwriters Didn't Cover This
Behind Every Great Man Is a Quality Roadie
Behind Every Great Man Is a Quality Roadie
That Should Have Worked
That Should Have Worked
Coffee Achiever
Coffee Achiever
Of Course It Would Still Weigh the Same
Of Course It Would Still Weigh the Same
Don't Try This at Home
Don't Try This at Home
Now You're Pushing It
Now You're Pushing It
Oh Right, I'm Playing a Cartoon!
Oh Right, I'm Playing a Cartoon!
You Suck
You Suck
Dialog Puzzles Are Hard
Dialog Puzzles Are Hard
Dude, It's Like, Cannibalism
Dude, It's Like, Cannibalism
Music Appreciation Award
Music Appreciation Award
Olive Branch
Olive Branch
Energy Conscious
Energy Conscious
Games History Major
Games History Major
We're All Brothers
We're All Brothers
Are You My Mummy?
Are You My Mummy?
That Joke Never Gets Old
That Joke Never Gets Old
Missing Pink
Missing Pink
And Then the Universe Explodes
And Then the Universe Explodes
And Then the Universe Implodes
And Then the Universe Implodes
That Only Works With Alligators
That Only Works With Alligators
I'm Sure He'd Never Notice
I'm Sure He'd Never Notice
ESRB Violation
ESRB Violation
Voiding the Warranty
Voiding the Warranty
Most Annoying Guest Ever
Most Annoying Guest Ever
Day of the Tentacle Remastered
Rating auf Steam Äußerst positiv
97.12% 2533 75
Day of the Tentacle wurde 1993 von LucasArts ver?ffentlicht und war der Nachfolger zum bahnbrechenden Maniac Mansion. Das Spiel ist ein verr?cktes Zeitreise-Puzzle-Adventure im Zeichentrickformat, in dem drei ungew?hnliche Freunde zusammenarbeiten m?ssen, um ein b?ses, lila Mutantententakel daran zu hindern, die Weltherrschaft an sich zu rei?en!

Zwanzig Jahre sp?ter meldet sich Day of the Tentacle mit einer Remastered Edition zur?ck, in der brandneue, handgezeichnete, hochaufl?sende Grafik sowie eine neue Tonspur, Musik und ?berarbeitete Soundeffekte geboten werden.

Spieler k?nnen jederzeit zwischen den Modi "Klassisch" und "Remastered" wechseln und Ton sowie Grafik und Benutzeroberfl?che verschieden miteinander kombinieren. Au?erdem gibt es eine Konzeptgalerie und Audiokommentare von den Entwicklern des Spiels!

? & ? Lucasfilm Ltd. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Double Fine Productions und das Double Fine-Logo sind exklusive Warenzeichen von Double Fine Productions, Inc. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.