Steam DB Steam DB Strife?

App ID
App Type
S2 Games
S2 Games
Supported Systems
PC Linux
First Record Import
November 19, 2018 - 23:05:31 UTC (2302 days ago)
Last Record Update
January 05, 2025 - 18:20:42 UTC (63 days ago)
Release Date
22. Mai 2015


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Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
71.49% 1783 711

Enter the Hero

In Strife?, you will assume control of a powerful hero. Each hero is uniquely designed to embody a play-style or idea, and heroes are by far the most important aspect of any game of Strife. As a hero, you will decide how the game flows, how quickly it progresses, and whether the outcome is favourable for your team. All Strife heroes are freely available from your very first match!

Community First

How your fellow players behave matters a lot in online multiplayer games. Strife is designed from the ground up to encourage cooperation and reduce toxic conflicts.

Customize Your Armoury

Crafting enables you to change item components and recipes, allowing any item to be part of your arsenal.

Every Hero Needs a Sidekick

A Pet will accompany you onto the battlefield, offering you unique advantages. Play to unlock more pets to expand your options.

Shared Last Hit Gold

Fight your opponents, not your allies. Last Hit bounties obtained from brawler and hero kills are split between contributing teammates.

Out of Combat Regeneration

Staying out of combat for a short period of time will significantly increase your Health and Mana regeneration, allowing you to stay near the action instead of going back to base.

Personal Courier

Each player has an invulnerable personal courier to automatically deliver purchased items.