Steam DB Steam DB Zombie Army Trilogy

App ID
App Type
Zombie Army Trilogy
Supported Systems
First Record Import
May 31, 2018 - 11:56:41 UTC (2442 days ago)
Last Record Update
October 31, 2024 - 13:28:10 UTC (97 days ago)
Release Date
6. März 2015


Don't mention the Z word!
Don't mention the Z word!
Resurrection Day
Resurrection Day
Play it Thule
Play it Thule
The pen is mightier than the sidearm
The pen is mightier than the sidearm
No more room in Hell
No more room in Hell
Hell on earth, that's it
Hell on earth, that's it
Into the fire
Into the fire
Descent into Hell
Descent into Hell
This is going to be a bumpy ride
This is going to be a bumpy ride
Code Red
Code Red
I think we'll start with a reign of terror
I think we'll start with a reign of terror
You got rid of those stiffs yet?
You got rid of those stiffs yet?
There's something in the mist!
There's something in the mist!
Broadsword calling Danny Boy
Broadsword calling Danny Boy
Taste some of Mama's home cookin', Adolf!
Taste some of Mama's home cookin', Adolf!
This calls for divine intervention!
This calls for divine intervention!
Don't get all stingy with your bullets
Don't get all stingy with your bullets
The head bone's connected to the...oh, wait
The head bone's connected to the...oh, wait
Naughty little boys get what they deserve
Naughty little boys get what they deserve
We don't need a stretcher. We need a mop!
We don't need a stretcher. We need a mop!
Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun
Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun
Snuff them out
Snuff them out
Headache relief
Headache relief
You want me to salute that pile of..?
You want me to salute that pile of..?
Explosive personality!
Explosive personality!
I kick arse for the Lord!
I kick arse for the Lord!
Every bullet counts
Every bullet counts
We got this by the ass!
We got this by the ass!
It's just a flesh wound!
It's just a flesh wound!
Leave the limbs you've lost
Leave the limbs you've lost
Elite pickpocket
Elite pickpocket
Burning a hole in your pocket
Burning a hole in your pocket
Give me something to shoot
Give me something to shoot
We all go a little mad sometimes
We all go a little mad sometimes
Like a drunk who's lost a bet
Like a drunk who's lost a bet
Got you, didn't I, you little sucker!
Got you, didn't I, you little sucker!
Somebody's got to survive!
Somebody's got to survive!
My family's always been in meat
My family's always been in meat
Come and get it! It's a running buffet!
Come and get it! It's a running buffet!
Your blood pressure is zero over zero
Your blood pressure is zero over zero
Headshots are the very best
Headshots are the very best
And stay down!
And stay down!
Resurrect this!
Resurrect this!
I will not negotiate with the Undead!
I will not negotiate with the Undead!
Scourge of zombiekind
Scourge of zombiekind
You've got red on you
You've got red on you
Nine tenths of the law
Nine tenths of the law
Answer the Devil's call
Answer the Devil's call
We can still fix him
We can still fix him
Merciful death
Merciful death
Don't worry, they're evil!
Don't worry, they're evil!
Zombies, man, they creep me out!
Zombies, man, they creep me out!
You're going to meet Death now...
You're going to meet Death now...
You're going to have to work for your meal
You're going to have to work for your meal
I'll teach ya how to shoot!
I'll teach ya how to shoot!
Guts and glory
Guts and glory
Got your back
Got your back
A friend in need
A friend in need
Got the killshot!
Got the killshot!
You're so dead, you don't even know it
You're so dead, you don't even know it
Down but not out
Down but not out
Man, you sure know a lot about monsters
Man, you sure know a lot about monsters
We have a Judas in our midst!
We have a Judas in our midst!
Gratuitous violence from the lot of you
Gratuitous violence from the lot of you
Just in case we make it
Just in case we make it
They must be destroyed on sight!
They must be destroyed on sight!
You have...death around you
You have...death around you
They're coming to get you, Barbra!
They're coming to get you, Barbra!
Zombie Army Trilogy
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
86.79% 5131 781
Der Kult-Shooter findet seinen apokalyptischen Abschluss ? neu gemastert, neu geschnitten und entfesselt mit einer brandneuen dritten Kampagne!

Zombie Army Trilogy ist ein Third-Person-Shooter, der ein chaotisches Koop-Gameplay mit brutalem Horror und das Blut in Wallung bringende Intensit?t verschmilzt.

K?mpft gegen unb?ndige Wellen von Zombies und okkulten Schrecken in den verstrahlten und von D?monen heimgesuchten Ruinen von Deutschland im Zweiten Weltkrieg ? in dem verzweifelten Versuch, der H?llenmacht, die ganz Europa heimsucht, ein Ende zu setzen.

Metzelt euch durch 15 qualvolle Missionen, verteilt ?ber DREI epische Kampagnen f?r bis zu VIER Spieler, und k?mpft gegen ganze Legionen an untoten Super-Soldaten, gepanzerten Skeletten, Zombies, Snipern, Kettens?gen-Eliten und vielem mehr, bevor ihr Hitler selbst gegen?bersteht, um in einer letzten entscheidenden Schlacht das Schicksal der Menschheit zu entscheiden!

Wiederbelebt. Neu Gemastert.

Ihr habt die Serie bereits gespielt? Dann erlebt die Zombie-Army-Spiele wie nie zuvor und mit neuem Gameplay ? darunter zerst?ckelte Zombies, neue Avatare, verbesserte Grafiken und Furcht erregende neue Gegneranimationen sowie neues Gegnerverhalten ?, und stellt eure F?higkeiten mit dem neuen konkurrenzbetonten Punktesystem, neuen Kombos und Bestenlisten auf die Probe.

  • Beinhaltet neu gemasterte Editionen von Zombie Army 1 & 2 und eine exklusive BRANDNEUE DRITTE KAMPAGNE.
  • 15 angespannte Missionen ?ber DREI Nerven zerfetzende Kampagnen f?r 1-4 Spieler.
  • Hordenmodus mit f?nf eigenen Karten und endlosen Gegnerwellen.
  • Die ber?chtigte X-Ray-Killcam von Sniper Elite mit einem b?sen neuen Feature ? seht zu, wie eure Kugeln die Innereien der Untoten durchsieben.
  • Taktische Zombie-Zerst?ckelung: Entfernt K?rperteile und -glieder, um die Horden zu entwaffnen oder zu verlangsamen, und erlebt voller Grauen, wie sie trotzdem
  • Jagd auf euch machen.
  • W?hlt zwischen 8 spielbaren Charakteren, darunter 4 neue weibliche Avatare.
  • Vernichtet die Untoten mit 25 Waffen und m?chtigen Sprengstofffallen.
  • Anpassbarer Schwierigkeitsgrad, darunter 4 verschiedene Einstellungen sowie ein zus?tzlicher Gegner-Multiplikator: k?mpft gegen bis zu 4x so viele Zombies.