Steam DB Steam DB Beetle Ninja

App ID
App Type
Beetle Ninja
2 Left Thumbs
Supported Systems
First Record Import
June 23, 2024 - 17:12:13 UTC (256 days ago)
Last Record Update
March 03, 2025 - 23:51:08 UTC (3 days ago)
Release Date
28. Juni 2024


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Beetle Ninja
100% 0 0
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After unleashing an unfathomable cataclysm, Montrell Saint-Luc, the Beetle Ninja, must find a way to prevent it's inevitable arrival within two short weeks.

Will you save the world, or will you spend the rest your time chilling at home? Ultimately, it's up to you. Either way, some insane cultish man on the street insists that the world is going to end soon.


  • 14 in-game days worth of content
  • An ever-changing hub-world
  • High replayablility
  • 13 unique party members
  • 11 different missions
  • 70 custom music tracks by PostElvis, featuring guest compositions by Shane Mesa (Mother 4) and ClassyJitto (Frostix) (Pizza Tower)

Built for repeated playthroughs and varied strategies via an expansive roster of recruitable ninjas, a large selection of unique endings and secrets, and a mission-and-day-based structure, Beetle Ninja is a game that takes multiple separate playthroughs to truly appreciate!


Often called "the biggest sleeper hit of 2020" by fans, Beetle Ninja is an RPGMaker 2003 game first released in 2020: with unique open-ended design that allows the player to simulate two weeks in the life of a vigilante-for-hire in whichever way he chooses.