Steam DB Steam DB Breadborn

App ID
App Type
Progressive Games
IndieGO Publishing
Supported Systems
First Record Import
June 23, 2024 - 16:54:07 UTC (256 days ago)
Last Record Update
March 03, 2025 - 23:24:51 UTC (3 days ago)
Release Date
11. Nov. 2024


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Ever hear that gluten is bad for your health? Ha! Prepare to meet a SERIOUSLY lethal lump of dough! Cursed by an old hag, it's doomed to roam the earth and wreak destruction upon villages and towns. So head out on the attack, and remember?each failure only makes you stronger. Breadborn brings you dynamic and chaotic battles, set to a cheery soundtrack!

Bready or not, here you come!

Tear off a chunk of yourself, arm it with weaponry, and send it to fight the enemy. Nobody stands a chance against your army of crumbs?buck-toothed peasants and pesky bees alike. Even your most dangerous foe?the hungry hen?shall be defeated.

Baking care of business

Use a rich arsenal of melee and long-range weaponry! Grab anything that comes to hand, whether it's an ordinary stick or a top-of-the-range assault rifle?a gift from Baba Yaga, the forest witch. Even a block of juice powder or a balalaika might come in handy on the battlefield. How? Give it a shot and find out!

Rise like dough!

Over time, your lump will grow bigger, its army will get stronger, and its inner world will become richer. Earn achievements and unlock access to new weaponry, opponents, artifacts, and even in-game events. The sky's the limit!

Your favorite recipe!

Prepare your lump to your exact tastes. Use the in-game editor to give your high-carb hero its own unique style!

Cause that's just how you roll!

Investigate the vast and perilous world of Breadford County. Tons of varied locations, activities, and tough bosses await you. Take a plunge into the icy river Don, or battle the Deathless One in an abandoned cemetery.