Steam DB Steam DB Candy Crawler

App ID
App Type
Candy Crawler
Top Chop Games
Top Chop Games
Supported Systems
First Record Import
December 30, 2024 - 18:02:17 UTC (66 days ago)
Last Record Update
December 30, 2024 - 18:02:18 UTC (66 days ago)
Release Date
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Candy Crawler
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Candy Crawler is a whimsical rougelike dungeon crawler where you also manage a cosy pastry shop. Journey through candy-themed realms, gather rare ingredients and craft mouth-watering desserts to sell in your cosy bakery, all while balancing the pressures of repaying a large debt.


  • Venture into dangerously delicious candy-themed dungeons and seek out exotic ingredients for your pastry shop.

  • Manage a pastry shop, craft delicious desserts and serve your customers, and don?t forget to make sure your displays are stocked with your most delightful treats.


  • Upgrade your shop with more item displays, better kitchen equipment or some new decorations to give yourself a boost in productivity and customer appeal.

  • Battle against the clock to pay off your debts and manage your time wisely, as you can only perform a limited number of actions each day. If you miss a payment, you risk losing your precious shop.