Steam DB Steam DB ??????Taoist down the hill

App ID
App Type
??????Taoist down the hill
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First Record Import
May 03, 2024 - 18:13:20 UTC (148 days ago)
Last Record Update
May 03, 2024 - 18:13:21 UTC (148 days ago)
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??????Taoist down the hill
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Jia Chen Dang Mo

When a Taoist travels down the mountain, is it true that his skills are not as good as those of ghosts or is he reproducing the Jia Zi's demonic behavior.

You can enter various areas of ghosts to search for their traces.
????They find it difficult to find!

In the area, you can use various props to interact and communicate with ghosts, in order to explore the types of ghosts

Finally, understand the location of ghosts and use props to clear them. So as to complete the task.

Here you can learn some Chinese ways to dispel ghosts

You can also work on tasks with your teammates

Finally, be careful that ghosts will attack you!!! Players who are afraid of fear infiltrating