Steam DB Steam DB The Flock

App ID
App Type
The Flock
Supported Systems
First Record Import
April 02, 2019 - 23:00:15 UTC (2175 days ago)
Last Record Update
June 28, 2024 - 11:46:07 UTC (262 days ago)
Release Date
21. Aug. 2015


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The Flock
Rating auf Steam Größtenteils negativ
38.7% 89 141

The Flock

The Flock is a first-person asymmetrical multiplayer thriller for 3 - 5 players. You get to play as one of the agile monsters that make up the Flock. Competing against the other monsters, you need to find and claim the Light Artifact. The player that finds the Artifact transforms into the Carrier, a slower and vulnerable humanoid. Only the Carrier can win the match. The game will feature three distinctive maps with their own tactics and level mechanics.

As the Carrier you need to fend off the Flock by shining your light upon them as they are attempting to gain the Artifact for themselves! The Flock are vulnerable to the Artifact's light, but turn to stone when they stand still; rendering them immune to the power of the Artifact.

When you are one of the Flock you must use your increased movability to find the wandering Carrier. Stalk it, frighten it, and pounce when the moment is right.


Unfortunately the game didn't do well enough for the population to decrease in any way worth mentioning. Vogelsap ran out of money a long time ago, and therefore the server that keeps track of the population run out too. We said we would rather go down then change our philosophy for this game. Well.. it became the first thing; we went down.

Please read our FAQ regarding the population to learn more about what it was that we were trying to do.

Join THIS STEAM GROUP if you want to find new players to play with. And read THIS if you want access to the beta update.

Key Features

  • Asymmetrical online multiplayer
  • Short, intense and thrilling matches
  • Constant role changing, hunt or be hunted
  • Nonlinear dynamic audio system
  • Only unscripted scares!