Steam DB Steam DB Pixel Piracy

App ID
App Type
Pixel Piracy
Vitali Kirpu
Vitali Kirpu
Supported Systems
PC Linux Mac
First Record Import
December 20, 2018 - 13:00:00 UTC (2278 days ago)
Last Record Update
August 26, 2024 - 03:35:59 UTC (203 days ago)
Release Date
31. Juli 2014


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Pixel Piracy
Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
60.63% 3066 1991
Bereite dich auf ein aufregendes Piratenabenteuer in Pixel Piracy vor! Stelle eine geschickte Crew zusammen, baue ein m?chtiges Schiff und begib dich auf eine gef?hrliche Reise ?ber die weiten Meere auf der Suche nach legend?ren Sch?tzen und unermesslichem Reichtum.

Manage your resources wisely, recruit capable sailors, and navigate through dynamically generated worlds teeming with dangerous creatures and rival pirates. Customize your ship's layout, upgrade its weaponry, and adapt to the challenges that lie ahead.

Unleash your strategic prowess as you engage in intense naval battles, explore uncharted islands, and interact with diverse civilizations. Unlock powerful abilities, gather valuable loot, and cement your legacy as the ultimate pirate captain in this immersive open-world experience.