Steam DB Steam DB Paranautical Activity: Deluxe Atonement Edition

App ID
App Type
Paranautical Activity: Deluxe Atonement Edition
Digerati Distribution
Supported Systems
PC Linux Mac
First Record Import
May 31, 2018 - 09:43:01 UTC (2469 days ago)
Last Record Update
January 03, 2025 - 21:33:12 UTC (59 days ago)
Release Date
20. Okt. 2014


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Paranautical Activity: Deluxe Atonement Edition
Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
67.36% 774 375

Paranautical Activity combines the classic FPS action of games like Doom and Quake, with the randomness and difficulty of modern roguelikes like Binding of Isaac and Spelunky.

-Unique FPS/Roguelike combination
-Procedurally generated levels
-Impossibly fast gameplay
-Hidden levels
-Over 100 items
-40+ enemies
-Ridiculous bosses?
-Kick ass Dubstep soundtrack

The Deluxe Atonement Edition includes the following
-Developer footage & commentary, from prototype to pre alpha to full release!
-The Seafarers Guide; A pro guide with a nautical twist. Consult the pro guide to become the leanest, baddest, mostest bestest Paranautical Activity player you can be.
-1 new level type, 1 new weapon and 1 new item.
-Wallpapers baby!