Steam DB Steam DB QUAKE III: Team Arena

App ID
App Type
QUAKE III: Team Arena
id Software
id Software
Supported Systems
First Record Import
June 07, 2018 - 12:18:07 UTC (2464 days ago)
Last Record Update
June 07, 2018 - 12:18:07 UTC (2464 days ago)
Release Date
3 Aug, 2007


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QUAKE III: Team Arena
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Never before have the forces aligned. United by name and by cause, The Fallen, Pagans, Crusaders, Intruders, and Stroggs must channel their power into an allied operation where teamwork is the only method of mass destruction. Four distinct games test each troop's synthesis and strength to exacting degrees. Cooperation is the only course of action, and war, the only alternative. Soldiers once alone in their struggle, now face the Arena as one.