Steam DB Steam DB Ironclad Tactics

App ID
App Type
Ironclad Tactics
Supported Systems
PC Linux Mac
First Record Import
April 01, 2019 - 20:20:21 UTC (1996 days ago)
Last Record Update
August 25, 2024 - 09:14:29 UTC (24 days ago)
Release Date
18. Sep. 2013


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Ironclad Tactics
Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
71.15% 296 120
Ironclad Tactics is a fast-paced, card-based tactics game set in an alternate history Civil War - with steam-powered military robots!

Key Features:

  • Includes the 'Rise of Dmitry' and 'Blood and Ironclads' add-on campaigns!
  • No microtransactions! Unlock cards by playing the game, not by purchasing them separately.
  • Experience unique gameplay, with rapid, simultaneous turns that blend the precision of tactics and card games with the spontaneity of fast-paced strategy games.
  • Follow the campaign story through a fully-illustrated, character-driven interactive graphic novel.
  • Collect cards as you play through the campaign and build your own decks to crush your foes.
  • Play with your friends in the co-op story campaign or against them in skirmish and nemesis modes.
  • Face off against online challengers in quick-skirmish mode, and unlock special cards when you win.
  • Bonus! Includes a high-quality digital artbook, a printable papercraft model of an ironclad, and the Ironclad Tactics OST, with music by Evan Le Ny and Farewell to the Woods.