Steam DB Steam DB Rail Adventures - VR Tech Demo

App ID
App Type
Rail Adventures - VR Tech Demo
exosyphen studios
exosyphen studios
Supported Systems
First Record Import
November 08, 2018 - 22:02:13 UTC (2140 days ago)
Last Record Update
March 20, 2024 - 16:25:55 UTC (181 days ago)
Release Date
25. Aug. 2016


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Rail Adventures - VR Tech Demo
Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
50% 14 14
The Rail Adventures VR Tech Demo is a free product, showcasing the upcoming action game Rail Adventures.

In Rail Adventures you race in a minecart on railways, through various epic environments, facing various obstacles and challenges.

In this tech demo, you race through one of the epic environments that will be part of the game and get to experience the beautiful views.

The purpose of this tech demo is for us to gather feedback and make sure we are developing the VR side of the game in the righ direction.

It is also a great experience to enjoy on your Vive.