Steam DB Steam DB iPi Recorder 2

App ID
App Type
iPi Recorder 2
iPi Soft
iPi Soft
Supported Systems
First Record Import
April 01, 2019 - 17:55:25 UTC (1996 days ago)
Last Record Update
May 07, 2024 - 18:12:05 UTC (133 days ago)
Release Date


noch im Tracking...
iPi Recorder 2
Rating auf Steam 8 Nutzerrezensionen
62.5% 5 3

iPi Recorder is a software program provided by iPi Soft for capturing, playing back and processing video records from multiple cameras and depth sensors. Captured records can be used for motion tracking in iPi Mocap Studio.

iPi Recorder supports the following cameras and depth sensors:

  • Sony Playstation Eye
  • Microsoft Kinect for Windows / Kinect XBOX 360
  • ASUS Xtion / Xtion Live
  • Any DirectShow compatible web cameras

Key Features

  • Technology: Optical Markerless
  • Number of cameras: 1 or 2 Kinect (or ASUS Xtion) depth sensors or 3 to 6 Sony PlayStation Eye cameras
  • Output Format: *.iPiVideo
  • Video Recording Conditions and Environment:

- Indoor and Outdoor - Normal Lighting Conditions - No Markers Required

  • Actor Clothing Requirements:

- actor Can Wear Reasonable Casual clothes. - Tight-fitting solid-color clothes recommended. - Jeans and T-shirts are supported.