Steam DB Steam DB Poly Skies

App ID
App Type
Poly Skies
Red Phoenix Studios
Red Phoenix Studios
Supported Systems
PC Linux Mac
First Record Import
June 04, 2022 - 13:45:03 UTC (1010 days ago)
Last Record Update
February 10, 2025 - 00:21:06 UTC (28 days ago)
Release Date
23. Jan. 2023


A New Beginning
A New Beginning
Growing Pains
Growing Pains
50 is a crowd
50 is a crowd
Open Borders
Open Borders
A New World
A New World
One Small Step
One Small Step
The Sprawl
The Sprawl
Fast Food
Fast Food
My Precious
My Precious
Did anyone see that?
Did anyone see that?
The Story So Far
The Story So Far
Poly Skies
Rating auf Steam 4 Nutzerrezensionen
75% 3 1

Beneath the clouds, mythical beasts have overthrown the land, it has become desolate, deviant and dangerous.
The only safe haven is up above the clouds where it is peaceful, safe and gives us hope that we can one day return to our home.

Each villager has a life in Poly Skies, they will go to work, gather in social areas or relax at home. Do your best to care of them.

Expand your village onto other islands using crystal powered portals.
Unlock new buildings as your population grows.

Enjoy some downtime with your villagers at a campfire once the day's work is done.
Relax with some calming music designed to rest your mind.

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