Steam DB Steam DB Entropy : Zero 2

App ID
App Type
Entropy : Zero 2
Supported Systems
PC Linux
First Record Import
December 30, 2021 - 06:27:19 UTC (1160 days ago)
Last Record Update
November 30, 2024 - 17:14:31 UTC (94 days ago)
Release Date
20. Aug. 2022


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Entropy : Zero 2
Rating auf Steam Keine Nutzerrezensionen
100% 0 0
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The pessimistic, wisecracking, door-kicking zealot known as 'Bad Cop' is back.

Command a small army of Combine synths and soldiers on a Northern campaign to capture Dr. Judith Mossman.

Tread in the wake of Gordon Freeman at Nova Prospekt. Explore the mysterious 'Arbeit Communications' facility. Discover what lies beneath. Drive an APC through the arctic wastes. Confront the rebels on their doorstep and uncover a long-forgotten secret.

Entropy : Zero 2 is a modification for Half-Life 2.


  • Overhauled combat - new effects, enemies and weapons!
  • A brand new campaign spanning seven chapters of content.
  • Overhauled enemy AI, enemy willpower and enemy variants create exhilarating combat scenarios.
  • A narrative driven experience with a fully-voiced and choreographed cast.
  • Command squads of Combine soldiers. Have them do your bidding!
  • Experiment with Xen grenades - weapons that consume enemies and objects and spawn Xen lifeforms in return.

Warning: Entropy : Zero 2 contains flashing lights that could affect you if you are photosensitive. Please be careful when playing if you suffer from epilepsy or photosensitivity.