Steam DB Steam DB The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

App ID
App Type
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
Sumo Digital
Gun Interactive
Supported Systems
First Record Import
August 30, 2022 - 11:18:03 UTC (686 days ago)
Last Record Update
May 28, 2024 - 06:08:57 UTC (49 days ago)
Release Date
18. Aug. 2023


Totally Texas
Totally Texas
Texas Through and Through
Texas Through and Through
Perking Up
Perking Up
Welcome to the Family
Welcome to the Family
Serial Killer
Serial Killer
Mine all Mine
Mine all Mine
He was the greatest ever.
He was the greatest ever.
First Blood
First Blood
Get Outta There
Get Outta There
So Close…
So Close…
Last Victim Standing
Last Victim Standing
The Lucky One?
The Lucky One?
Bring it on
Bring it on
Git back here
Git back here
Fighting Back
Fighting Back
Team Player
Team Player
Now it's my turn
Now it's my turn
Be like Sally
Be like Sally
Fully Focused
Fully Focused
Safe and Secure
Safe and Secure
I hear you
I hear you
I got one!
I got one!
I'm comin' for ya
I'm comin' for ya
Can't Hide from me
Can't Hide from me
Can't keep me out
Can't keep me out
Dog will Hunt
Dog will Hunt
Hung up on you
Hung up on you
Our Hero
Our Hero
Don't Touch
Don't Touch
Powder Burns
Powder Burns
All Knowing
All Knowing
You spelt Champion wrong
You spelt Champion wrong
Makin' Grandpa Proud
Makin' Grandpa Proud
Escape Artists
Escape Artists
Leaving Home
Leaving Home
Outta Gas
Outta Gas
Off to Market
Off to Market
The Saw is Family
The Saw is Family
Nowhere left to hide
Nowhere left to hide
Doing Well
Doing Well
Running, Jumping, Climbing Trees
Running, Jumping, Climbing Trees
Behind the curtain
Behind the curtain
Tread Softly
Tread Softly
What will be left of you?
What will be left of you?
Lone Star
Lone Star
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
84.8% 2656 476
?bernimm in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, einem asymmetrischen Third-Person-Horrorspiel, das auf dem revolution?ren und ikonischen Horrorfilm von 1974 basiert, die Rolle eines Mitglieds der ber?chtigten Schl?chterfamilie oder eines ihrer Opfer.

Um als Opfer nicht in die F?nge der Familie zu geraten, musst du klug und heimlich agieren und die n?tigen Werkzeuge finden, mit denen du entkommen kannst. Als Mitglied der Familie musst du deine G?ste suchen, verfolgen und sie daran hindern, zu fliehen. In The Texas Chain Saw Massacre k?nnen Spieler endlich herausfinden, ob sie das Zeug zum ?berleben haben.

Erlebe in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre den Wahnsinn und das Makabre.