Steam DB Steam DB Gears 5

App ID
App Type
Gears 5
The Coalition
Xbox Game Studios
Supported Systems
First Record Import
June 23, 2019 - 16:55:17 UTC (1913 days ago)
Last Record Update
September 13, 2024 - 20:59:46 UTC (4 days ago)
Release Date
9. Sep. 2019


Back Atcha
Back Atcha
I Was Born in a Crossfire Hurricane
I Was Born in a Crossfire Hurricane
Back on Your Feet, Soldier!
Back on Your Feet, Soldier!
Shock and Awe
Shock and Awe
Pennies from Heaven
Pennies from Heaven
Pass the Soap
Pass the Soap
Sire, Interrupted
Sire, Interrupted
Perky's Revenge!
Perky's Revenge!
You've Got a Friend in Me
You've Got a Friend in Me
Did We Just Become Best Friends?
Did We Just Become Best Friends?
Seriously 5.0 - Chapter 1
Seriously 5.0 - Chapter 1
Once More From the Top
Once More From the Top
One, Two, Three Sorties
One, Two, Three Sorties
I'm The Captain Now
I'm The Captain Now
Corporal Punishment
Corporal Punishment
Generally Awesome
Generally Awesome
Sergeant at Arms
Sergeant at Arms
My Body is Ready
My Body is Ready
Not There to Buy a Timeshare
Not There to Buy a Timeshare
And… He's All Yours
And… He's All Yours
Now I Gotta Get Up Again
Now I Gotta Get Up Again
A Mouthful of Boom
A Mouthful of Boom
It's Time We Fight Them Together
It's Time We Fight Them Together
Jameson Shipping Depot
Jameson Shipping Depot
That Old COG Technology
That Old COG Technology
Let's Get You Some Answers
Let's Get You Some Answers
We Need the Old Plan
We Need the Old Plan
Safe and Sound
Safe and Sound
Cutting it Close
Cutting it Close
Throw a Switch, See What Happens
Throw a Switch, See What Happens
Let's Keep Pissin it Off!
Let's Keep Pissin it Off!
Then We Watch Each Other's Back
Then We Watch Each Other's Back
You Know I Ain't Going Out Like That
You Know I Ain't Going Out Like That
Discovered the True Threat to Sera
Discovered the True Threat to Sera
A Good Plan, Violently Executed
A Good Plan, Violently Executed
An Enemy Among Us
An Enemy Among Us
Jack of One Trade
Jack of One Trade
Jack of All Trades
Jack of All Trades
JACKed Up!
JACKed Up!
Gimme, Gimme, Gimme
Gimme, Gimme, Gimme
Relic Hunter
Relic Hunter
Relics of the Past
Relics of the Past
It Takes Three to Make a Thing Go Right
It Takes Three to Make a Thing Go Right
Master Escape Artist
Master Escape Artist
Who's Your Escape Main?
Who's Your Escape Main?
Master of My Domain
Master of My Domain
Who You Gonna Call? Hivebusters!
Who You Gonna Call? Hivebusters!
Brought a Knife to a Gun Fight
Brought a Knife to a Gun Fight
The Three Musketeers
The Three Musketeers
On the Razor's Edge
On the Razor's Edge
Compulsive Horder
Compulsive Horder
Who's Your Horde Main?
Who's Your Horde Main?
Can't Stop, Won't Stop
Can't Stop, Won't Stop
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Withdrawal Symptoms
Withdrawal Symptoms
And I'll Form the Head!
And I'll Form the Head!
Homegrown Hive
Homegrown Hive
I Made It All By Myself
I Made It All By Myself
Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship
Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship
One Sec, I'll Be Right Back
One Sec, I'll Be Right Back
Where's My Product Endorsement Deal?
Where's My Product Endorsement Deal?
Grind Season
Grind Season
My Place in the Machine
My Place in the Machine
It’s Not Hoarding if Your Stuff is Cool
It’s Not Hoarding if Your Stuff is Cool
All Aboard the Crazy Train!
All Aboard the Crazy Train!
Planned and Executed
Planned and Executed
Dynamic Duo
Dynamic Duo
All of Allfathers
All of Allfathers
Close Call
Close Call
Ring Leader
Ring Leader
Come From Behind
Come From Behind
Line Them Up
Line Them Up
Victory Seized
Victory Seized
Lay of the Land
Lay of the Land
Optimal Armaments
Optimal Armaments
Highly Capable
Highly Capable
In the Name of..
In the Name of..
A Very Particular Set of Skills
A Very Particular Set of Skills
The Path To Victory
The Path To Victory
Go, Hunt In Packs
Go, Hunt In Packs
Destroy Them, My Children
Destroy Them, My Children
Be Aggressive, Devious
Be Aggressive, Devious
These New Recruits Got Grit
These New Recruits Got Grit
Hi-Ho, Silverback
Hi-Ho, Silverback
Expanded Expertise
Expanded Expertise
Fresh Lineup
Fresh Lineup
New Hivebusters
New Hivebusters
Destroy From Within
Destroy From Within
Stop 'Em Cold
Stop 'Em Cold
Hives: Busted
Hives: Busted
Buying Time
Buying Time
Gears 5
Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
71.2% 5081 2055
Mit Gears 5 kehrt eine der beliebtesten Spielreihen mit brandneuen Funktionen zur?ck.

Kampagne: W?hrend der Krieg immer n?her r?ckt, zieht Kait Diaz los, um herauszufinden, was sie mit dem Feind gemein hat, doch findet weit mehr heraus, als ihr lieb ist ? die wahre Gefahr f?r Sera ist sie selbst. Mit den neuen Kampagnenfunktionen begeben Sie sich mit Ihrem Charakter und Ihren Waffenskins durch neue Spiele, und freuen Sie sich auf zus?tzliche Schwierigkeitsgrade und Modifikatoren.

PvP: M?ge das beste Team gewinnen! Mit immer neuen Modi und Inhalten seit seiner Ver?ffentlichung belohnt Versus kompetitive Spieler vom Profi bis zum Gelegenheitsspieler.
PvE: K?mpfen Sie gemeinsam, um zu ?berleben. Versammeln Sie Ihren Trupp und ?berstehen Sie den Horde- oder Flucht-Modus.
Co-op-Kampagne f?r drei Spieler: K?mpfen Sie gemeinsam mit zwei Freunden online oder im Splitscreen-Co-op-Modus.

Erleichterte Bedienung: Gestalten Sie Ihr Spielerlebnis mit aktualisierten Features f?r eine leichtere Bedienung ganz individuell. Sie k?nnen beispielsweise die Tastenbelegung des Controllers anpassen, mit Einzelstick-Steuerung spielen, einen Adaptive Controller verwenden, Benutzeroberfl?che- und Men?-Kommentare aktivieren, verbesserte Untertitel aktivieren und vieles mehr.

Ein Xbox-Profil wird ben?tigt. Melden Sie sich mit Ihrem Profil an oder erstellen Sie kostenlos ein neues.