Steam DB Steam DB It Runs Red

App ID
App Type
It Runs Red
Ross Winters
Active Sun Games
Supported Systems
First Record Import
April 16, 2019 - 11:20:27 UTC (1974 days ago)
Last Record Update
July 14, 2024 - 00:37:31 UTC (58 days ago)
Release Date
30. Apr. 2019


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It Runs Red
Rating auf Steam 9 Nutzerrezensionen
66.67% 6 3
The player assumes the role of Cain, the younger brother to the King, Azazel. Feeling immense pressure from incoming enemy attacks, King Azazel required power to resurrect his dying city. After months of suffering, the King performed a forbidden ritual to summon the underworld's strongest demons in the hopes to crush incoming threats. Upon opening a portal to the underworld, the curse known as "Corruption" consumes the King's mind and curses Cain to feed on the blood of Demons in order to sustain himself. The King's desperation for power led to cursing his family's bloodline along with their entire city.


? Third-Person Action/Adventure

? Three Blistering Boss Battles

? Fast Paced Melee Combat

? Victorian-Gothic Inspired Architecture