Airtight Games was created by a group of gaming and entertainment vets in 2004 with the goal of creating strong, original intellectual properties with unique mechanics, gorgeous visuals, and entertaining hooks.
We are located in Redmond, Washington, just outside of Seattle in a rat maze of an office that houses a fantastically creative, hard working crew of designers, artists, programmers and support staff. We are one of a vanishing breed of independent developers who have an absurd passion for making great games and work hand-in-hand with a small group of intrepid publishers to create them.
We finished Dark Void in 2010 and moved on to a currently unannounced AAA title which we are incredibly excited about. We just announced Quantum Conundrum in August 2011, which is going to be totally awesome. And we are always thinking up new ideas which are percolating internally, looking for just the right publisher mojo and vision.