Weapons! Combat! Bosses! Find a ton of melee and ranged weapons in hidden chests and swap them out to suit your play style to defeat enemies and bosses.


Each map will challenge you with an objective. Complete this, and you're on your way to becoming the champ!

Play alone or with Friends

Riverbond is fully playable in single-player or with up to 4 players in a drop-in/out couch co-op.

Destructible Cubic World

Did we mention that you can slash, smash and generally wreak havoc to the charming voxel environments? Go nuts if you want to and experience the awesomeness of real-time physics.

Who knows what you will find when you explore the depths of Riverbond - there?s only one way to find out. Cue epic adventure music!"> Weapons! Combat! Bosses! Find a ton of melee and ranged weapons in hidden chests and swap them out to suit your play style to defeat enemies and bosses.


Each map will challenge you with an objective. Complete this, and you're on your way to becoming the champ!

Play alone or with Friends

Riverbond is fully playable in single-player or with up to 4 players in a drop-in/out couch co-op.

Destructible Cubic World

Did we mention that you can slash, smash and generally wreak havoc to the charming voxel environments? Go nuts if you want to and experience the awesomeness of real-time physics.

Who knows what you will find when you explore the depths of Riverbond - there?s only one way to find out. Cue epic adventure music!"> Weapons! Combat! Bosses! Find a ton of melee and ranged weapons in hidden chests and swap them out to suit your play style to defeat enemies and bosses.


Each map will challenge you with an objective. Complete this, and you're on your way to becoming the champ!

Play alone or with Friends

Riverbond is fully playable in single-player or with up to 4 players in a drop-in/out couch co-op.

Destructible Cubic World

Did we mention that you can slash, smash and generally wreak havoc to the charming voxel environments? Go nuts if you want to and experience the awesomeness of real-time physics.

Who knows what you will find when you explore the depths of Riverbond - there?s only one way to find out. Cue epic adventure music!">


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 09.06.2019
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Preis Update 24.03.24

Über das Spiel

Riverbond is a fun and frantic couch co-op adventure game for 1 to 4 players set in a stunning voxel world. Embark on a heroic journey to complete missions, battle adorable enemies, and smash everything into tiny cubes! Will you and your friends be the legendary heroes of Riverbond?

Weapons! Combat! Bosses!

Find a ton of melee and ranged weapons in hidden chests and swap them out to suit your play style to defeat enemies and bosses.


Each map will challenge you with an objective. Complete this, and you're on your way to becoming the champ!

Play alone or with Friends

Riverbond is fully playable in single-player or with up to 4 players in a drop-in/out couch co-op.

Destructible Cubic World

Did we mention that you can slash, smash and generally wreak havoc to the charming voxel environments? Go nuts if you want to and experience the awesomeness of real-time physics.

Who knows what you will find when you explore the depths of Riverbond - there?s only one way to find out. Cue epic adventure music!


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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

146 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
612 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.19 07:53
Als ich Riverbond gekauft habe, nahm ich an, dass es The Binding of Isaac und Enter the Gungeon stark ähneln würde. Ich stellte jedoch fest, dass dies nicht der Fall ist. In Riverbond spielt man alleine oder mit Freunden [Zum Multiplayer komme ich später noch] voxelige Helden dessen Quest es ist, den Bewohnern dieser Welt zu helfen in dem man entweder Schreine aktiviert, dinge zerstört oder Gegner tötet. Um diese simple Aufgabe zu vollstrecken stehen einem ein paar verschiedene Waffenarten zur Verfügung. Es gibt ein kleines Schwert, großes schwer, picksende spieße, zwei Hand Waffen und schießende Pistolen. Insgesamt gibt es 8, in verschieden viele räume unterteilte, Welten, bei denen das Design wahrlich fantastisch ausgefallen ist. In Kisten kann man entweder Waffen, Punkte oder Skins finden wobei die Skins nichts am Gameplay verändern was jedoch nicht schlecht wäre. Manchmal gibt es kleinere Bosse und immer gibt es einen großen Boss am Ende jeder Welt. Wer besonders fleißig beim Zerstören ist wird manchmal durch gefundene Secrets belohnt. Alles in einem ist es ein solides, schönes und spaßiges Spiel. Kommen wir jetzt also zu meiner Kritik:
  • Multiplayer

  • Leider gibt es nur Couch Co-op was es einem direkt über Steam nicht möglich macht Riverbond online mit seinen Freunden zu spielen. Ich bin der Meinung, dass dieses Spiel ungemein daran profitiere, wenn es einen Online Multiplayer gäbe. Auch käme mir die Implementierung eines Matchmalking entgegen. Hauptsache ich kann mit irgendjemanden Spielen, ohne meine Freude zu mir nach Hause zu bringen. [Ich werde solange versuchen über Parsec mit Freunden zu spielen.]

  • Abwechslung
    • Es mag zwar interessant aussehen, dass alles zerstört werden kann und auch dass es realistische Physik in diesem Spiel gibt. Es fehlt jedoch die Abwechslung. Das Gameplay besteht daraus, in das Level zu kommen, Monster zerstören und entweder alle Monster zu töten oder irgendwelche Schreine zu aktivieren. Die Welten sind übrigens handgemacht was bei mehrmaligen Spielen nicht stören würde, wäre die Reinfolge wie sie auftreten nicht immer die gleiche.
    • Außerdem gibt es keinen Langen Run. Spätestens nach 50 Minuten ist eine Welt abgearbeitet. Klingt zwar nach viel, aber wenn man dies mit Enter the Gungeon oder The Binding of Isaac vergleicht ist das nicht.
    • Übrigens wenn man eine Welt betritt muss man sie auch beenden. Zwischendurch das Spiel zu beenden löscht den gesamten Fortschritt von der Welt, die man eben gespielt hat. Das Spiel richtet sich zum Teil an eine junge Zielgruppe und hat sogar einen Familiespielpreis bekommen und so wie ich Kinder kenne, werden die ein bisschen länger als 50 Minuten pro Welt brauchen. Ich weiß wie manche Eltern reagieren und wenn diese eine Stunde für das Spielen freigeben dann ist das ziemlich frustrierend für die Kinder, wenn sie eine Welt nie fertig Spielen können.
    • Mir fehlen außerdem andere Fähigkeiten. Im Spiel kann man entweder rollen, angreifen, springen oder seine Spezialattacke einsetzen. Leider ist diese nicht gerade effektiv und langweilig. Ich Wünsche mir entweder die Möglichkeit diese Fähigkeit zu verbessern oder die Option, dass ich bei jedem Skin eine andere Fähigkeit hätte.

    Alles in einem ist das Spiel gut. Ich hatte nur einmal Probleme meine Controller zu verbinden (das lag an Steam und nicht dem Spiel) und einmal entdeckte ich eine Kiste, in welcher sich nichts befand (kann auch beabsichtigt sein).


    Ich wünsche mir wirklich ein paar Verbesserungen und neue Funktionen welche ich oben genannt habe denn um ehrlich zu sein ist das Spiel im jetzigen Zustand zu teuer und meiner Meinung nach nicht fertig. Wer aber ein Lustiges Spiel sucht, um es mit Freunden zu spielen bei dem man sich nicht erst einarbeiten muss hat mit Riverbond genau das richtige Spiel entdeckt.
    264 Produkte im Account
    36 Reviews
    106 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 01.01.22 20:14
    Buy it if you have friends and its on sale. I bought it because I heard shovel knight was in it. It is a fun game, but it is way too easy, and kinda of boring actually. Its just a game where, if you have time, and want to not lose, then this is the game for you.
    623 Produkte im Account
    187 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    240 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 19.02.21 20:18
    In Short - Fun game, cute skins to find but too short overall, wait for a discount as it is not worth full price.

    50/50 review, this game is ok but it is an arcade beat-em up type game where the main focus is just a high score which doesn't unlock anything, would of been better if higher score meant more skins unlocked instead of just chests having them. Would of also given more reason to go back and replay for higher score if it meant unlocking something. Otherwise the score is just for bragging rights which I don't see many actually caring for.

    The amount of skins to unlock and choose from were the only reason I kept going and re-playing levels which only take 15 minutes on average to do and explore fully each go.
    Because of this, the game is short, most enemies if not all can be beaten with the starting weapon and pretty much mashing before you need to do a dodge and repeat till dead.
    I can see people getting bored though replaying the same missions just in hope of finding the skin they want which is most likely why the achievement scores are so low.

    Your progress in the levels are not saved so if you quit 2 missions in you start the level from the beginning, not bad if you want to get more skins to re-open chests but can see some getting annoyed even if short per area.

    It looks fun for multiplayer but because you share scores unless one of you dies, there is no reason other than to defeat stages quicker. The later levels are much harder but mostly due to enemies are tanks and hit like one and also more enemies to stun lock you but still do-able solo if you take a few seconds to explore the small maps for the OP weapon of said level.

    I had fun none the less, it is a cute style but for the price I would wait for a discount, there is really not much else to it but the skin gimmick and not much there to tempt me to keep playing the same levels over and over.
    574 Produkte im Account
    38 Reviews
    505 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 13.02.21 14:08
    This is good, fun, and easy to learn, even for kids. My younger siblings love it.

    - The local co-op feature is what made me bought the game and I'm not disappointed.
    - Its simple gameplay mechanics is what I like about this game.
    - The graphics are beautiful and the animations are smooth.
    - Can be respawned at a checkpoint and can be revived by other players.
    - Combats are simple and easy, just spam the attack button, or hold the attack button for a charged attack.
    - Many skins can be easily unlocked, but they have no effects on gameplay, only for visual and animation.
    - Most of the environments can be destroyed.
    - Full controller support.

    - The isometric view made it hard to control player character's (PC) movement, especially when we tried to climb a hill or when navigating narrow path. I wish we can rotate the view.
    - Sometimes it will teleport back your PC to other characters way too fast or too early, which the PC was not even at the screen border and definitely not outside screen.
    - Sometimes the spawning or teleporting back made your PC stuck in a spot. Either tell other PCs to move far from it until your PC teleported to a correct spot, or just restart the floor level.
    - It can be optimized better. Sometimes FPS dropped without a reason, such as when we were just idling or no enemy in sight.
    - The price is a little bit too high. Better to buy it when on sale.
    51 Produkte im Account
    7 Reviews
    384 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 25.01.21 20:09
    This game is fantastic, Really cute and immersive! The graphics are simple but amazing! The lighting effects are on point.
    The Game is not very long, But that does not deduct from the experience at all. There are so many creative skins and weapons and they are all unlockable, there is no in app purchases or anything like that! This is 10000000x better than Minecraft Dungeons, and it came out years before it. Get this game! Try and get it on sale! But its a great deal either way

    9.4/10 would recommend
    969 Produkte im Account
    299 Reviews
    305 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 07.01.21 05:34
    Pretty cool little game. Its an isometric voxel based action game where you go through levels and complete objectives and kill enemies so its pretty fun. There's 9 stages and you go through the levels and you do different objectives and talk to npcs and you pick up more weapons and you also unlock skins which you can switch to at the start of every level. There's a whole bunch of skins to find so if you want to collect them all that helps with replay value. You also get a score after you beat a stage and each stage has a boss to kill so yeah pretty fun little game. Quite short though, was able to do everything in around 5 hours so unless you wanna collect the rest of the skins or get better scores there's not really much reason to play more. The annoying things about the game is every time you attack you move forward and certain enemies damage you just from touching them so that makes it quite annoying. Luckily though there's ranged weapons so that can make it a bit easier. The game itself is super easy like when you die you just respawn and the level hasn't reset or anything so you can die as many times as you want and still beat it so pretty much anyone could beat this game. Would be nice if it had some difficulty levels but oh well. One annoying thing is after you beat a stage you have to wait around for a 30 second timer for some reason, the game does have coop but it even does it in singleplayer so that's a dumb really. The game runs very well though I must say, solid 144fps and computer is quite as a mouse so pretty good. Overall not too bad, couple of issues, would like a bit more to it for the price but worth getting on sale. 7/10
    3576 Produkte im Account
    314 Reviews
    515 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.12.20 15:46
    Code Please see my curator page for more games that are well worth your time

    Approximate amount of time to 100%: 7-8h
    Estimated achievement difficulty: 2/10
    Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1, there is level selection
    Has it been in a bundle: No
    Is there a good guide available: I made a guide which you can find here
    How many people have completed this game at the time I'm writing this review: 2 on Astats

    Multiplayer achievements: No
    Missable achievements: No
    Grinding Achievements: No
    DLC-Only achievements: No
    Time-gated achievements: No
    RNG-achievements: No
    Does difficulty affect achievements: No difficulty option
    Unobtainable/glitched achievements: No

    This is a fun hack 'n slash game in a voxel world. The game has local multiplayer up to 4 people, but it isn't required for the achievements. I played it as a single-player and still had a lot of fun.

    There are 9 different worlds, that have each 5 area's or more, with the last area containing a boss fight. The game is very forgiving when you die. The monsters stay at low health while you revive at a checkpoint. This is also the case in boss fights.

    The achievements are easy to get, most you will already unlock by just playing the game. There are achievements for using different kinds of weapons, those you can all do in the first world, to get those out of the way. It also has a lot of achievements for finding new outfits, finding stars and talking to different NPCs, if you explorer the area's you already will get already a lot of those, but you can use my guide to know on which level to look for specific NPCs and hidden area's. It has no missable achievements since there is level selection. You will need to go to the right area in that level, but that isn't too hard.
    171 Produkte im Account
    18 Reviews
    1002 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 25.10.20 18:08
    Great game for the kids.
    Me and my 5 year old have a lot of fun playing this one.
    Works excellent with controllers.

    There's unfortunately no difficulty setting, however.
    The missions/levels are a tad long so it takes a while to get to the final bosses.
    We rarely get to play for long enough that we get to the finish.
    263 Produkte im Account
    11 Reviews
    112 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 07.10.20 17:11
    Very cute game similar to Minecraft Dungeons.
    Animated violence is present, but death of PC is not punished severely - you just respawn at the last checkpoint.
    There's no blood or bad language.
    Full controller support is a plus.
    Good game for kids.
    115 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    454 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 12.07.20 23:19
    This is a fun, super-casual couch co-op game. Perfect for when you are looking for something everyone can enjoy together. Great game for adults playing with kids. And really nice art too, in my opinion!
    1017 Produkte im Account
    23 Reviews
    259 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.06.20 23:27
    This game makes me wish I had friends to play with.
    562 Produkte im Account
    33 Reviews
    346 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 14.05.20 23:56
    Short, fun, snagged it on sale.

    My kids (Under 10) absolutely love it.
    202 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    345 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 06.05.20 16:52
    only OK (definitly not good) if you really like the voxel look.
    I do like it very much, so it was ok for me, but controlls are awefull (mouse/keyboard), jumping is hell, enemies are inbalanced as are weapons.
    best boss tactic is to die trough. especially if you want the time bonus to get new chars.
    dont buy it for the full price (round about 20 euro) like I did.
    121 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    602 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 15.12.19 02:13
    The overall presentation is great. Its fun with a good atmosphere that is very upbeat. The sound compliments the game. The only problem with a game as polished as this it needs a variety of game modes beyond the levels. Maybe I haven't unlocked them yet, I don't know. I have only played half way through the game. I know i could play the same level over and over again. But may be a local/online pvp free for all or some player vs environment mode like Boss Battle etc. Some RPG elements possibly as well. I'm hoping DLCs in the future will add to what I think is already an awesome game and worth every penny as far as I'm concerned..
    9 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    3291 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 14.12.19 00:14
    i like how cute it was but its impossible to play multi player
    902 Produkte im Account
    426 Reviews
    36 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 10.12.19 01:45
    I played through an entire level, and I found this to be pretty charming.
    The visuals are p[robably the best feature, things just look plain neat when you crumble them and watch all the parts fall thanks to physics.

    You get Zelda-like areas that play out in dual stick roguelite fashion -0 you find various weapons to use that increase your range,m damage, atk speed, I even found a gun that shot bees/
    Is there a story? I have no idea/.
    I just found it fun to smack everything, and explode cactus wehen i hit em, and blades of grass, and bushes., or to lift an entire wagon over my head to hurl at enemies.
    or pick some dude's house up and lob it off the cl,iff, bc why not?
    It's dumb and fun, and that makes me smile. This will be insanely fun with a couple of friends using steam's remote play together. Nice casual smash and dash game where you make the fun.
    175 Produkte im Account
    4 Reviews
    397 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 27.11.19 14:59
    Jogo simples e divertido, visuais bem coloridos
    Fácil, bom para crianças
    292 Produkte im Account
    53 Reviews
    306 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 20.08.19 11:04
    A pretty (for the most part) relaxing game. It was pretty enjoyable the whole way through. Minor things like really annoying enemies and level 7 being a particularly badly designed level. I also did get bugged out with 2 skins, no idea what they are. It was 1 chest in level 7 and level 8 and they just didn't show up at all. They also gated me off from using 4 other skins, since I got those skins in between the two broken ones. Otherwise, this game is really fun especially for how quickly you can get through it. Each level typically takes 30-45 minutes, so not too much commitment. I will say however, I do not think it's worth $30 so I'd buy it on sale; I completed the game in 5 hours. There is also not much replayability unless you missed something in a previous level, which it unfortunately does not tell you. Heh, sorry about going over the negative stuff, but honestly it's very minor. If you are a fan of voxel games and games like these, I think you will enjoy it for what it is.
    314 Produkte im Account
    11 Reviews
    578 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 03.07.19 17:17
    Perfect game for younger kids! The mechanics are easy to grasp and the difficulty is very very forgiving. My 5 year old and 8 year old are having a blast. And since it goes up to four players, I do join in from time to time.
    422 Produkte im Account
    4 Reviews
    42 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 29.06.19 09:38
    Awesome coop experience in a super stylized very destructible world
    153 Produkte im Account
    4 Reviews
    123 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 20.06.19 18:11
    Fun little game! Beautiful art, and combat feels pretty good. Only played it single player so far but could see it being enjoyable with a couple of buddies smashing enemies trying to get the high score.
    1112 Produkte im Account
    271 Reviews
    265 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 18.06.19 06:41
    Look, I think this casual voxel brawler has potential, but it just lacks that extra layer of depth to make it interesting. The single-player component is kinda designed as a Mega Man tribute. You can pick from 8 locations with multiple stages, seemingly themed after their respective boss fights (maybe 30-40 minutes each). It got the looks, it has an awesome level design with some verticality, the sound effects are great, hitting things is fun, and yet the game is somewhat tedious. The combat really comes down to spamming whatever weapon you have equipped, and occasionally doing a body slam or a dodge roll. Most of the weapons have a charged attack so you can kinda switch between them for different effects. By design, this is a very casual experience which is meant to be played with your friends for a short burst of entertainment, which is completely fine, but the game would benefit from some active abilities. Now I realize there is some controversy with the lack of online multiplayer, it would be nice to have it, but frankly, I don't expect all games to go into that direction. Hey, even having local co-op is a plus for most games.


    + beautiful voxel art style & can destroy most of it
    + nice stage design, good use of verticality
    + pretty intuitive gameplay and combat
    + local co-op
    + achievements


    Repetitive Combat System - I feel like the game needs some kind of power-up/ability progression. I don't care if it's a skill tree, spells or artifacts. The game does not offer a lot beyond basic attacks, heavy attacks, and throwing things. Needs more active abilities in some form.

    Content/Price - I did not buy the game, but I would expect more content variety if I did. I say add a roguelite mode or a level editor, seems like it has a solid foundation for it.

    Overall Thoughts: 7/10

    Not a bad game by any means, it's a bit expensive considering the lack of additional modes though. Obviously, I got a review copy so I did not have to worry about it, but if I did buy it with my own money, I would expect a nice roguelite mode on top of what it has. You can almost see a fantastic game somewhere in there, it needs more depth though, and when I say depth I don't mean like a **** JRPG, I mean just some extra abilities so you have alternatives to basic attacks, nothing too fancy.

    Code Review By: http://store.steampowered.com/curator/31294838-Hidden-Gem-Discovery/
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    Rating auf Steam Positiv
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    Release:09.06.2019 Genre:keine Infos Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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