Sailaway - The Sailing Simulator
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Über das Spiel

Vielleicht möchtest du dich ja der Herausforderung stellen, die Südlichen Ozeane während der schlimmsten Stürme, die sie zu bieten haben, zu überqueren?
Oder willst du einfach segeln lernen, hast aber keinen Zugang zu einem Boot?
Mit „Sailaway“ kannst du all das tun. Der Segelsimulater Sailaway bringt dir sämtliche Ozeane der Welt auf deinen PC oder Mac, damit du die ultimative virtuelle Segelerfahrung machen kannst!
In „Sailaway“ wurden die Ozeane des Planeten mit unvergleichlicher Genauigkeit nachgebildet. Willst du über den Pazifik reisen, dauert das Monate, wie es auch auf einem echten Boot wäre. Da es sich um eine beständige Onlinewelt handelt, kannst du deine Einstellungen anpassen, und dein Boot segelt auch dann weiter, wenn du nicht online bist.
Du erhältst Updates per E-Mail, während dein Boot weiterfährt, aber vergiss nicht, oft nachzuschauen – bei den Echtzeit-Wetterdaten, die von der National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) übernommen werden, können sich die Bedingungen schnell ändern.
„Sailaway“ ermöglicht Spielern ein überaus realistisches digitales Segelgefühl, mit genauesten Simulationen, was Wetter, Wind und Strömungen angeht, während dein Boot und sein Segel so gemacht sind, dass selbst der erfahrenste Segler ein Training bekommt. In den anfänglichen Schwierigkeitsmodi kannst du einfach segeln, während du das Spiel lernst. Wirklich zum Leben erwacht das Spiel, wenn die virtuelle Hilfe entfernt wird und es dann heißt, du gegen die Kräfte der Natur. Wenn du deine Freunde schlagen möchtest, musst du deinen Kurs planen, ständig die Form deines Segels prüfen und jeden kleinen Vorteil nutzen, um als Erster anzukommen!
Sailaway beinhaltet eine Vielfalt liebevoll erstellter Boote, mit denen du durch die Welt segeln kannst. Alle können in Hunderten von Kombinationen mithilfe der vorgegebenen Optionen zusammengestellt werden, du kannst aber auch deine eigenen Texturen hochladen, um dem ganzen einen besonderen Touch zu geben! Mithilfe der Steam Workshop-Integration kannst du diese Designs dann mit anderen Seglern teilen.
- CPU: 2.0 GHz or higher
- GFX: 2 GB of dedicated Video RAM or higher (Laptop hardware may work but is not supported)
- RAM: 4 GB
- Software: Windows 7 or higher (64 bit)
- HD: 9 GB
- DX: Version 9.0c
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- Peripherie: Broadband internet connection required to play the game.
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
320 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.20 18:31
1800 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.19 19:04
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3120 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.19 18:18
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426 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.19 18:54
ABER: Was gar nicht geht ist die Dreistheit der Entwickler!! Da kauft man schon das Spiel im Early Access um die Entwickler zu unterstützen und dann wird man im letzten Update tatsächlich nochmal zur Kasse gebeten.
Für mich war es das mit diesem Spiel und vor allem Mit Early Access.
Da fällt einem nichts mehr ein...
Sind das ehemalige Entwickler von EA???
392 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.18 07:40
Jedoch fehlt mir z.B. die Option das man das Wetter sowie die Uhrzeit selbst einstellen kann, dann wäre es schön wenn noch AI Verkehr hinzukommen würde. Auch das Ufergebiet und die Häfen könnten etwas schöner sein.
Der grobe Ansatz bei dem Spiel oder der Simulation stimmt. Jedoch ist noch einiges zu tun um daraus was richtig gutes zu machen. Aber wie gesagt der Ansatz ist schonmal ganz gut.
9830 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.22 04:09
The 1:1 passage of time (crossing an ocean takes weeks) and true-life weather conditions (from actual weather reports at the boat's location) pairs this simulation with reality in a way I haven't experienced before.
Also, I'm very glad it runs on Linux using Steam Proton. I'm looking forward to the next iteration, SailAway III - the developer's progress videos look great!
1060 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.22 18:31
9304 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.21 23:02
This allows me to practice a lot of the factors that go in to planning passages, such as reading weather conditions and charting courses accordingly.
I have even taken to re-enacting a few passages I have made on actual sailboats, which is neat. This time with the luxury of setting autopilot and going to sleep for a full night's rest, without any fear of sinking.
There are a lot of things that need improvement. I won't go in to them, as plenty of other reviewers have. I just wanted to highlight that there are ways to use this simulator for some training purposes, which is invaluable for someone like me, who wants to keep up sailing and navigation skills, but find myself without the geographical ability to pursue ocean sailing at present.
8327 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.21 23:40
As a sailor myself, both Sailaway and eSail are essentials; they complete each other very well... where eSail ends, Sailaway takes on!
Sailaway uses simpler mechanics but offers the entire world to navigate; time of day, cloud coverage, wind speed, current and swell are accurate to the location you are sailing (I use for weather details and forecasts as I do in real life). The coastlines and depth soundings approximately correspond to their real world counter-part except when close to shore; land masses typically rise from the seabed like a wall (tides are not implemented yet).
Because we sail in real-time, once the heading and sails are adjusted, not many actions are required for long periods of time and I often run the game while doing something else; I set a nice view point and let the sounds of the sea create an immersive ambience...
Overall, Sailaway is one of my preferred simulator and I strongly recommend it.
See you there mate!
2780 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.21 23:58
2635 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.21 11:14
Fair selection of boats
Real time weather and waves
Most lines modelled
Beautiful sunsets
Whole ocean implemented
Variety of races and challenges
Graphics are adequate
Option for boat to continue sailing when offline- useful for long voyages
Tutorials are reasonably good and varying levels of help for beginners
Devs do not listen to feedback
Clunky controls
If you had original Sailaway, you are stripped of some of your privileges and they are now locked behind a £20 'pro' license
No physical or mechanical damage to boat
General physics are lacklustre
Poor autosail modes
Sailaway has a lot of potential, although its devs are ignoring any constructive criticism currently and have not updated anything for nearly a year now.
Another review from the one and only Irish Potatohead,
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132 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.21 21:03
1071 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.21 23:36
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51 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.21 14:54
15670 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.21 11:17
eSail gives you a single dinghy in a fictional world with a single island you can sail around in an hour. The controls are more detailed, but that just makes them annoying.
Sailaway gives you the world with real coastlines, fairly accurate depths, real marker bouys and to sail around the whole map will take you 10 years. You get about 8 boats ranging from historical single sail Nordic boats to 60' Round the World carbon fibre racing yauhts.
Nicht Empfohlen
588 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.21 02:51
Camera makes me sea sick. A lot of bugs here and there.
Physics are patetic. You cannot break a boat or collide. No docks or ports.
Basically its an arcade 'pull a line to sails' simulator
Nicht Empfohlen
68 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.21 01:48
944 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.20 16:10
As far as sailing simulators or sailing games in general goes, I think this is one of the better ones.
7683 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.20 16:43
69828 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.20 07:48
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8784 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 14:52
Listen guys, I love your game but you killed it. No doubt about it. Makes me really sad.
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22 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 04:57
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26737 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.20 23:06
It's developers like these that give early access a bad name. Avoid.
8257 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.20 01:16
6345 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.20 15:07
However, this simulation is excellent in so many other areas, that I continued and now 78 hours in, after buying it 78.1 hours ago, I think speaks for itself! I would dearly love to sail into ports after an Atlantic crossing and berth alongside for a few well earned beers! The devs have constructed a pretty good sim here. Berthing would make it complete. I don't care too much for the crappy buildings! It's a sailing sim FFS!
3134 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.20 18:33
I strongly recommend to play with the keyboard the get the sheets and trim. It is really not practical with the mouse and stopped me to play at the beginning. Game is much better with the keyboard control.
288 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.20 12:42
eSail is better for beginners, because with a small yacht being the only sailable boat, it has fewer things to worry about when trimming the sails, and you can rely on the engine a lot more to get you out of a tough spot. Sailaway is better for people who want a realistic sailing experience, possibly to practice for a real voyage. There are still activities to do otherwise, but the part that really makes Sailaway shine is the plain sailing and realistic voyages.
I would also say that Sailaway has far better production value than eSail. The textures and models look better and more realistic, and if there's ever a questionable code interaction, it's usually as a result of two realistic events colliding in an unexpected way, rather than just being a strange quirk of programming as they tend to be in eSail.
Nicht Empfohlen
48 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.20 18:49
1976 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.20 23:05
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1146 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.20 00:03
+ Water looks different in different parts of the world
+ Real weather updated in near-real time
- Clumsy controls
- Boring perfect steering without realistic drift
- Infinite strength boat parts let you do stupidly unrealistic things without consequences
- Many boat systems are not modeled
- No time acceleration
The result is overall boring gameplay. You just set course, find the sail setup that works and go AFK for fifteen minutes, after which you just check every fifteen minutes and mostly nothing changes. The only time you have to pay attention is if you are navigating narrow internal waters, and even that is slow and kind of boring.
This isn't because sailing is boring by nature. For example, on a real boat, you have to constantly manage the rudder or she will go off course. It takes an autopilot to keep straight course like in the game. Autopilot can break, it consumes power, which is in limited supply, same goes for many other systems. If you change tack without pulling in the mainsheet, the resulting rapid slamming of the boom as it swings to the other side can break parts of your rig or injure you. Exposing too much sail in high winds can lead to disaster too. Motor power is strategically used, for example to cross the Doldrums. Managing very limited resources and dealing with periodic emergencies is part of the challenge of cruising. Many of these things could have been included fairly easily to make an exciting gaming experience, but it wasn't done. The game is literally just made up of a simple sloop rig simulation, some neat water graphics, real time weather updates, and a world map.
It could be forgiven when the game was in EA, but the dev decided to arbitrarily call it released, rebrand it as Sailing Simulator II, and demand more money from existing players for an update. The game does not stand well on its merit, the dev's business practices are deplorable, and past history makes me skeptical there will ever be enough features added to make the gameplay enjoyable.
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527 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.20 17:10
1229 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.20 11:16
My criticism of the game, however, is that it lacks depth. Beyond racing, there isn't much to do. If you, like me, are more the voyager type and enjoy being on the water and feeling the salt and spray in your face, the game will be good, but lack the depth to really immerse you. Many famous coastal locations look rather generic, the famous Calanques of the Cote d'Azur or the white cliffs of Etretat in Normandy are not modeled at all. Similarly, coastal cities like Hong Kong are also not modeled beyond having some generic buildings put there (though I think some like NYC and Sydney are well modelled, I've just not sailed there). I can't help compare with Flight Simulator, where you can fly over high fidelity replicas of real cities. I get this is not the same thing, but still.
By no means am I saying this is a bad game. I know modelling every single coastline in the world is an impossible task, and I would never expect that from an indie game. However, I would just inform buyers that while Sailaway will scratch that itch you have to get on the water, it will not scratch that explorer itch that some of us covet.
If its impossible to import things like real life coastlines from google maps or whatever, perhaps it could be cool to include things like the occasional dolphin when you near a tropical coast, or a rare whalespout in areas where whales are known to be. Some modelling of turbidity in water could be good, since I recall the beauty of the crystal clear water of the Mediterranean French coasts really was one of the things that made boating there incredible.
I would still nevertheless recommend people who want a high fidelity sailing simulator, as the boats are beautifully crafted and when you adjust the sails just right and the craft sails beautifully along, it feels pretty good. The game also has a fantastic, friendly, helpful community of both sailing noobs and real life sailors.
3526 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.20 22:50
But it still lacks a lot, in my opinion it falls short in some aspects such as the collection of sailboats to choose from, including some of the old ones, schooners, naos ... The visible coast area is very basic from a graphic point of view, There should not be so much difference between how well the sea is and how poorly the coast is.
On the other hand, I have also observed small errors, texts that do not fit within its own window, incomplete Spanish translations, sudden movements of the boat (when selecting a line with the mouse it always happens, it seems that the boat jumps), lines that do not have key assigned to select them, impossible transparencies of some sail ... these are almost insignificant errors but if they are fixed together with other improvements, the game would really start to deserve its price. I recommend it because it is still a young simulator and it promises a lot, but we must let its creators know that we do not want a half-finished game.
I don't particularly like racing, I prefer to go it alone, adventure and exploration, and since I will be many ... I think it would not hurt to give us the option to cancel the GPS, and thus stop seeing our sailboat on the map . To find out our position we could use other instruments such as the sextant, the stopwatch, the compass ... and be able to make notes on the map. And all this explained in a tutorial. It would be quite a hoot for the game.
Español (Spanish):
Es el mejor simulador de vela sin duda alguna. Los veleros, el mar y el mapa están muy bien creados. La simulación esta muy conseguida, te llega a dar la impresión de estar navegando.
Pero aún le falta mucho, en mi opinión se queda corto en algunos aspectos tales como la colección de veleros a elegir, incluyendo alguno de los antiguos, goletas, naos.. La zona de costa visible es muy básica desde el punto de vista gráfico, no debería haber tanta diferencia entre lo bien hecho que esta el mar y lo mal hecha que esta la costa.
Por otro lado también he observado pequeños errores, textos que no caben dentro de su propia ventana, traducciones al español incompletas, movimientos bruscos del barco (al seleccionar algún cabo con el ratón pasa siempre, parece que el barco salta), cabos que no tienen tecla asignada para seleccionarlos, transparencias imposibles de alguna vela.. son errores casi sin importancia pero que si se van arreglando junto con otras mejoras, el juego empezaría a merecer de verdad su precio. Lo recomiendo porque es un simulador aún joven y promete mucho, pero hay que hacer saber a sus creadores que no queremos un juego a medio acabar.
No me gustan las carreras especialmente, prefiero ir por libre, en plan aventura y exploración, y como yo habrá muchos.. creo que no estaría de más darnos la opción de poder anular el GPS, y así dejar de ver nuestro velero en el mapa. Para averiguar nuestra posición podríamos usar otros instrumentos como el sextante, el cronómetro, la brújula.. y poder hacer anotaciones en el mapa. Y todo ello explicado en un tutorial. Sería todo un puntazo para el juego.
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5847 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.20 21:38
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2862 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.20 01:41
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554 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.20 19:00
3671 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.20 18:16
This is the sailing simulator I have always wanted; one with a full globe, real world weather and real time, even when not playing. Awesome!
Also a good variety of boats and customisation.
Visuals of the boats and of the water (what you look at 90% of the time) is great.
This is inevitable with a full globe simulator, but scenery is too basic at the moment. you can find some good spots though like New York Harbour.
Sailing is a bit clunky. it's hard to assess the sail trim by looking at the sail, finding the correct ropes and adjust, I find myself always looking at the sailtrim 2d page and finding ropes with the Q and E keys. it takes away a bit of the immersion. the Dev's could learn a thing or two from Stentec Sailsimulator 5 on this matter.
My wishlist for the future:
improved user interface for managing the boat.
better auto-generated scenery.
If I may be so bold, a square rigger. Perhaps a Brig or a topsail schooner? :)
73 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.20 02:18
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1024 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.20 16:40
The UI is clunky especially the camera and moving views around the ship. There are other sailing games with better graphics, better explanation of the techniques of sailing and not with horrible business practices.
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5370 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.20 06:00
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2583 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.20 18:22
This game has potential and would have great potential if community was allowed to play a role in the boats and rigs, sadly it seems devs are getting greedy.
Nicht Empfohlen
469 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.20 06:09
This simulator is awkward, in trying to get the best view to try to figure out the best way to adjust your sails correctly. I am disappointed in the way they implemented this game. They took away items from the original design and then make you pay for the new update, to get what you originally paid for in the beginning. So they are also very shady whit no ethics. I personally will not purchase anything from this company again.
Th simulator is realistic, but very awkward to operate and having limited boats to chose from, it's not a purchase that i can recommend at this time. unless you can get it on sale for under $15.00 they offer the extra boats for free and continue to add new boats.
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649 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.19 00:38
Uninstalling this garbage
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3779 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.19 14:02
Not happy at all
The Irregular Corporation
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