- CPU: 2,6 GHz Single Core
- GFX:
- RAM:
- Software: Windows XP SP2
- HD:
- SFX:
- DX:
- Peripherie:
- LANG: Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch – Spanien
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- CPU: 3.0 GHz dual core
- GFX:
- RAM: 2 Gb
- Software: Windows 7
- HD:
- SFX:
- DX:
- Peripherie:
- LANG: Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch – Spanien
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
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668 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.17 06:34
- Wundervolle Musik
- Optik
- Charaktere
- Gameplay (Abwechslung)
- Idee hinter dem Spiel (erweitertes Jump N Run Spiel)
- Sehr frustrierend
- Steuerung
- Story spielt eine nebensächliche Rolle
- Level Design (unübersichtlich)
- Preis
- Schwierigkeitslevel
- Monotonie (langweilt einen schnell)
- Secrets fast unauffindbar
- Seltene Checkpoints
Ein schwerer Plattformer mit sehr guter Musik und sehr atmosphärischer Optik, jedoch nerven die unübersichtlicher Passagen und die Monotonie, wodurch das Spiel deutlich eher als Trail and Error Spiel, anstatt als gemütlicher Plattformer, empfunden werden kann!
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469 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.17 22:43
Es verfügt über eine schwache Story, schwache Musik, die Welt ist zu schlicht gestaltet, die Spielmechanik wird frustrierend eingesetzt und alles dauert gefühlt ewig.
Mehr kann man dazu gar nicht sagen und mir entkommt nur ein stöhnen, wenn ich daran denke, dass sich die schwierigste Stufe erst freischaltet, wenn man es einmal durch's Spiel geschafft hat.
EDIT: ich habe es mittlerweile durchgespielt und verliere nochmal ein paar Worte.
Die Story fängt sehr belanglos an und versucht erst ab der Mitte des Spieles sich aufzubauen, was sehr schade ist, da sie weniger belanglos wird.
Es gibt auch nur sehr wenig Musik, welche ich positiv wahrgenommen habe, oft ist es eine dumpfe Geräuschkulisse, welche die Atmosphäre nicht hervorhebt aber wenigstens nicht nervt.
Was dieses Spiel so unheimlich frustrierend macht, ist die Tatsache, dass viele der besonders schwierigen Herausforderungen oft mals ein sehr enges Timing verlangen aber jeder Fehlversuch mit Warten bestraft wird. Es ist auch einfach nervig ständig gefühlt 10 Sekunden warten zu müssen, um einen neuen Versuch zu starten, innerhalb der Herausforderung nochmal zu warten und ein Fehler gleich mit dem Tode bestraft wird.
Es hilft auch nicht, dass es so gut wie keine Recovery Time gibt und die Schutzweste im Spiel deutlich weniger Wert hat.
Was mir auch missfällt ist die Design-Entscheidung des Menüs sowie des Intros und des Outros. Die Entwickler haben sich bestimmt was dabei gedacht aber es wirkt einfach so Trist und Lieblos leider :-/
1188 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.17 21:39
Die Level können teilweise recht zügig durchgespielt werden, für Sammler sind in den höheren Ebenen und versteckten Wandeingängen aber diverse Extras und Souvenirs zu finden.
Ein absolut zu empfehlendes Game!
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90 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.15 20:57
Gameplay, Schwierigkeit und Handling eher weniger. 3/10
gerade bei dem ersten Boss-Kampf wird es schnell sehr frustrierend weil seine Bewegungen undurchschaubar und unklar sind und man selbst durch ständiges SPringen oft einfach durch Terrain oder wiederrum andere Gegner getroffen wird.
Spielt man nur den ersten Abschnitt ist es ein gutes Spiel, macht man weiter wird es eher eintönig und man bekommt das Gefühl man wird einfach nur durch eine lange Reihe von Testleveln geschickt, die die Entwickler noch so parat hatten. SO lassen es zumindest die wenig unterhaltsamen Dialoge vermuten.
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257 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.22 23:15
Until you get to the boss levels.
Spread out over unnecessaraly large areas, each (of the two I experienced) are multi-staged battles, often requiring you to be in a specific location (that you can't know until you've done each at least once), and often requiring you to complete the next stage in a specific amount of time before it reverts back to the first stage, regardless of damage done (which is understandable to add some challenge). The problem I have is with the second boss.
There are two-three enemies that patrol the bottom of the map that reset each round; two ground-based enemies and one jumping enemy. The ground based gives you an explody beam, and the jumping gives you a flak-jacket. The boss drops two types of bombs on the map - regular (which you can only blow up), and golden (which are affected by your beam tool), while the boss glides about in a slow, seemingly random pattern above the map. You have to use a beam to get one of the golden bombs to hit the boss, which will stun them, and bring up two springs. You have to use an explody beam to get to one of the springs, to drop another explody beam (or bombs, if you have them I guess - I didn't) into the boss' now open head, to chip off a bit of health.
When the boss recovers, they fly out of harms way, and several bullets fly across the screen that you have to dodge, before the fight begins again.
I have seen videos of people getting springs on the bottom of the map - maybe they were playing an easier difficulty, and if so, all that the difficulty seems to do is extend the length of boss fights.
Honestly, I'm not sure what the boss fights are for. They seem to be placed at the end to every stage (I guess), but otherwise do not have much connection to the actual game. Getting rid of them would do nothing, but increase the enjoyment of it.
4948 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.22 23:02
Pid has an odd learning curve. The challenge is almost non existent for 95% of the game, with hard stops halting progress. In particular, one of the collectibles requires extraordinarily precise timing landing a long series of wall jumps and beam deploys/cancels, while another requires an optimized jumping route to complete a task before the planks disappear from under you. Each took me hours to complete. Easy and Normal are almost identical both in where they're boring and where they're challenging, which makes me question why Easy exists at all. Hard changes little in the level design, instead cramming the room full of enemies. At times this can be fun for how it challenges you to plan your course, at others tedious. And many can be completely bypassed with obvious cheese plays.
As for the intent of the game, Pid hovers in a grey area of ideas. Its design and several aesthetic influence pull strongly from Limbo. By itself, this is fine, but Limbo's purpose was to create a moody effect on the player first, with the puzzles serving to support the theme, whereas Pid kind of shoehorns a generic story in with more mechanic-heavy platforming elements, dampening the mood when you're forced to replay a sequence over and over again while listening to a boss's maniacal laughter or scroll through a character's dialogue before starting. The soft lighting, cartoonish sounds and flat music can be downright grating at times. The tone just never seems to hit the mark.
On the other hand, I really liked the... potential of the game. This was Might and Delight's first output and I'd love to see them return with a sequel after having more experience. The controls are excellent and the gravity beam is a very strong gimmick. Completing Pid on Hard and collecting the achievements have been some of the most rewarding experiences I've had in gaming for a while. Bring the pain, M&D! Own it!
1755 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.21 13:19
Now that’s out of the way, back to review.
So, you maybe have a very legit question after my venting, why he upvotes a game he hated playing? Well, game is actually good made, it has nice visual design, music and even coop, I mean what else you can ask for?
Speaking of gameplay, game punishes your every mistake, even blocking you from secret areas and collectables if you mess it up even once. Difficulty could also jump from cold zero to hellish fire upon land within few moments, on bright side, you have unlimited amount of lifes to re-tries.
Honestly after finishing it solo, I could say COOP mode was way for fun for me personally, I would even say I started to have actual fun instead of constant feeling of dread, while hugging youtube walkthroughs.
Totally recommend if you like puzzle platformers.
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394 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.21 04:51
I really wanted to like this game but it's just a platformer that aims to be hard but ends up being much more annoying than difficult, because of what feels like floaty and unresponsive controls, and a very iffy checkpoint system that makes you backtrack a lot (especially in maps where the objective is to go up) or just locks you out of getting missable collectables by pushing you a bit forward and locking the door behind you.
I'm sure there's a good game in here but all the small negatives pile up real quick outweighing the things I enjoy about it and I can't justify to keep playing, which is a real shame.
598 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.21 21:31
Some cons I'd leave for the devs are that half the items to me were not useful and was easier just to dodge enemies than use them. Some checkpoints were a bit strange and made some area's annoying to replay.
Overall solid game if its cheap. I honestly don't remember buying this but saw it in my library and decided to give it a crack.
1346 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.20 18:57
This here has quite the nostalgic flair to it, a dreamlike atmosphere and a killer soundtrack if you like jazzy tunes. It's by far my favorite game from Might&Delight. A hidden gem.
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141 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 01:21
+ Nice bluesy/jazzy soundtrack gives the game a unique feel.
+ Interactions with characters are charming and cute. They talk in odd grunts and mumbles, think Banjo-Kazooie kind of thing.
+ The setting is interesting and the robot people/enemies you encounter. It felt like a Disney Pixar/Dreamworks world.
+ I picked up the game quite cheap in a Might & Delight games bundle.
- Our main character Kurt, doesn't have much personality. It could be anyone.
- The main mechanic of the game is to throw these glowballs at the floors or surfaces to navigate between spike traps, enemies and projectiles etc. When dropped the balls create a gravity beam so you slowly float in the direction they dropped. You move really slowly in the gravity beam, excruciatingly slow. You also for the most part have to throw it in an angle so that you have to line up awkwardly.
- Control in general feels sluggish almost like i'm underwater. You jump like a spaceman but fall like a ton of bricks.
- I enjoy the world design, but not so much what is being presented visually. It's rather wishy-washy. At times I struggled to make out what i was looking at.
I think I'll have to sit this one out. The first few stages felt pretty engaging and I actually enjoyed the gravity beam mechanic at first. But later on as the game gets more challenging I found that the obstacle wasn't necessarily the problem but rather the way the game controls. You will die a lot and get really frustrated, but most of the time it will feel undeserved. It's one of those cases, you have to feel it to know.
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1177 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.20 19:40
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371 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.20 14:08
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299 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.20 13:41
What's worse, if you want to go back to previous levels during a gameplay, it was impossible ! That's to say , you won't have any chance to go back collecting something(like souvenirs) you have missed(P.S. I have never complete the game once, so I am not sure if it is possible after passing the game.).
Now I prefer uninstalling Pid.
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656 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.20 20:43
My entire experience with this Pid basically can be summarized by frustration and disappointment. There are definitely aspects of this game which I enjoyed, such as the art style and characters but they are far outweighed by the aspects which I did not enjoy. I have been constantly pulling my hair out playing this game.
The difficulty is too inconsistent. Some stages of the game I would be able to breeze through with no hassle, while other I would struggle on for hours. All of the boss fights in this game are incredibly easy and don’t feel as rewarding as they should because they are actually easier than the levels leading up to them. Other sections of the game are just randomly extremely challenging. I am especially talking about collecting the souvenirs and constellations. I can understand making the collectible items harder than the base gameplay but my God I was stuck trying to get the Children’s Book souvenir for at least an hour which is just ridiculous.
The game does not provide a retry level feature. This is my biggest pet peeve when it comes to platformers. Combined with the extremely frustrating auto saves, if you miss an item, your only option is to restart your entire play through. These kinds of mechanics are appropriate for games where the playtime may only be a couple of hours, but when the game lasts for over 10, it is unacceptable.
I am currently writing this as I have accidentally walked too far to the right causing the game to commence the next level and auto save. I have realised that collecting the next item is now impossible as I do not have the correct tools. After restarting my game twice already from this same scenario, I have finally had enough and cannot bare restarting now being 6 hours in to the run. I am playing on easy mode in order to be able to explore but now that I know it is impossible to 100% this play through I can honestly say I am done with this game.
If these simple features were included I would actually love to play this game, but until then I cannot recommend it.
1972 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.13 19:40
The main gimmick here is the ability to place down beams of light that can carry you around. The way this changes how you navigate through the game world is dramatic, and a bit reminiscent of Bionic Commando Rearmed, which some of the Pid team also worked on. The game thoroughly explores this mechanic, with every area in the game having a slight twist to how the game plays. Most of the time you use the beam to carry yourself, but other locations have you using it to carry bombs towards enemies, carry enemies themselves, or even push around light sources needed to light the way for you. The other great thing about the beam mechanic is how the solution is always right there in front of you, but you have to figure out where to place the beams, adding a bit of a puzzle aspect.
Overall though, I really can't stress enough how much I like this game. The scenery, music, atmosphere, and gameplay all combine to form this truly unique experience. The game is pretty long as well, but has a great flow and variety to the areas. If you like hard platformers, you should check this game out.
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